Sunday 29 March 2015

Make the keyboard Sampling EXTERNAL

Posted by Heru
How to Make a sampling keyboard using laptop

Many keyboards and software, which has been providing custom sampling facility, which means we can put any sound into the keyboard or the software to be used in the production of music. The presence of a custom sampling facility is very helpful to get the sound color (timbre) that we want.

In general, the sampling is divided into three classifications:
  1.     Single Sampling: Only one sample for all notes, keys, octave and velocity
  2.     Multi Sampling: One notes, octaves, and velocity can contain multiple sampling
  3.     Loop Sampling: Sampling the form of loops (one round of repetitive)

To include this sampling keyboard or software, there are three main stages to be traversed:
  1.      Record: record sampling
  2.      Slice: Cut the desired sampling section
  3.      Patch: put (assign) the sampling was to note, keys or the desired velocity
Here is an explanation of some of the stages of making a sampling:
I will explain to record using the computer, instead of using the facility record in the keyboard.
- Prepare instruments or other sound source to be sampled, be it music instrument, or any other sound sources like human voices, wind, etc.
- Connect the sound source to the computer, note whether through the LINE IN or MIC IN. when recording from keyboards, VCD player, etc. means through LINE IN, when recording using a microphone, meaning through the MIC IN.
- Once the sound source is properly connected to the computer, setting the soundcard settings, if you use the soundcard of your computer motherboard, look at the control-panel settings> sound
- Record using the software. There are many software that can record whether it is free or paid. Or use the default Windows software SOUND RECORDER can.
- Record into a minimal format 16bit 44.1kHz WAV
After the recorded sound source, then we'll cut (slice) of the sound that we want a sampling of the results of earlier recordings. Can menggungkan wav editor software like wavelab, cool edit, adobe edition or video editing software. Provided that the software can cut wav file.

From the picture above, we look waveform recording, and there is a blank line in the early part. Section blank line that's what we want to remove, so that the recording sampling was right on time 00:00
To facilitate cutting, zoom the waveform in order to see clearly the beginning of the sampling base. Position the cursor there, block and delete (delete) part and empty.

Once removed, the current sampling has actually been in time 00:00
For a more complete stage, you can still advance edit your sample files, whether to normalize, eq, adding fx, etc.

Save the file and sampling can be used. For example, I save the file with the name "Dangdut Solfegio.wav Drum".

The next step is to place (patch) sampling to the keyboard or the software we use. As an example:
- Keyboard Korg PA800
Press the menu SOUND MODE group (left top), and press record.
Press the triangle in the upper right corner and click LOAD SAMPLE. Search our earlier sampling, for example, I would load the file "Drum Dangdut Solfegio.wav"
, After the meeting, click WRITE.
Sound sampling has been in internal memory (RAM) Korg PA800. And you can already place it in one of the notes, for example in the Drum Kit.
The next step you can read the manual Korg PA800.

- Software Battery 3 (Native Instruments)
Open the Battery 3 software, right-click on one of the empty cell, click ADD SAMPLE

Search our earlier sampling files, for example, I would load the file "Drum Dangdut Solfegio.wav"

If the file name has appeared in the cell, then the sample is already in the patch and ready for use in software Battery.

Thus a brief explanation about making sampling. Some things to note:
  1. The better the recording media (software, sound card, microphone, preamp, etc.) the better results obtained footage
  2. Record sampling in minimal space of noise, so the only sound desideratum which will be recorded
  3. If using a microphone, adjust the position of the microphone to the best direction to the sound source. Not always be in a straight line to the sound source.
  4. To get a sampling sound really good and detailed, highly needed adequate equipment and complex systems.

In its application in the world of digital music, sampling can be used as a sound module (additional sound source) to be played via midi keyboard.


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